WATCH: Biden’s Banking Nomination Calls to End All “Private Bank Accounts”

Far-left Saule Omarova is a radical socialist.

Video has emerged of Saule Omarova, President Biden’s nominee for the Comptroller of the Currency, calling for an end to private banks. This would be less concerning perhaps if she was appointed junior assistant for events in the White House. But he role involves oversight of the nation’s banking system.


““There will be no more private bank accounts, and all of the deposit accounts will be held directly at the Fed,” Omarova said, explaining her proposals for the banking system.

“The Democratic Party over the last couple of administrations, they want the government to essentially take over a lot of financial functions from banks,” a former senior government official told Breitbart News.

Do you think her nomination should be withdrawn? Do you think Biden is moving far to the Left? Let us know below!


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