Violence surges in Democrat-run California as former US Senator assaulted in Oakland

Former Democratic U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer is the latest victim of the surge in violent crime.

“Earlier today former Senator Barbara Boxer was assaulted in the Jack London Square neighborhood of Oakland,” her representative wrote on Twitter. “The assailant pushed her in the back, stole her cell phone and jumped in a waiting car.”

Boxer is just one of the latest victims of a surge in violent crime. In many places, cities are losing brave cops who refuse to get blamed when they make a difficult, split-second decision that someone at CNN or Black Lives Matter disapproves of.

“Through the first three months of 2021, a number of major cities have indicated they are still experiencing high rates of violent crime, according to Laura Cooper, executive director of the Major Cities Chiefs Association,” CNN reported.

Do you think we need to lock up more violent criminals? Are Democratic policies leading to a surge in crime? Let us know below!


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