US Catholic Bishops take important step towards rebuking Biden over abortion

The issue has been raised before, but it reached new heights with the election of President Joe Biden, who is both claims to be a Catholic but also a supporter of legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops voted on Friday 168 to 55 to move forward on a document to clarify the conditions under which a politician who uses his or her power to promote abortion can receive Communion or can be denied Communion.

The issue has caused confusion among non-Catholics and mainstream media writers who are deliberately or unintentionally ignorant about how the Catholic Church operates and what the Eucharist means.

Catholics are not supposed to receive Communion while in a state of mortal sin -- one such mortal sin is the promotion of another mortal sin, such as having an abortion. A mortal sin must be removed in the Sacrament of Confession -- but one part of Confession is promising to amend one’s ways. 

The goal of denying someone Communion is not to shame them as much as it is to make clear the severity of their sins with the goal of helping them return to the Catholic Church. 

A politician who knows he is going to go vote the next day to support abortion or is going to sign an executive order to send taxpayer dollars to nonprofits that abort babies, cannot honestly say he plans to amend his ways.

Furthermore, politicians such as Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have not just casually held a pro-choice view, but have used their positions of power to push for funding to abortion vendors like Planned Parenthood.

The Catholic Church teaches that causing scandal can be a mortal sin -- in this case, it applies when Biden causes confusion by saying he is a “devout Catholic” while using his power to push for unlimited abortion through all nine months of pregnancy at taxpayer expense. 

Students for Life of America has compiled a list through the first three months of the Biden presidency of the ways the Catholic president has advocated and advanced the intentional killing of human life.

The Catholic Church also teaches that when someone dies, he has to account for all his sins, and God makes a judgement on if he goes to Heaven or Hell for eternity based on the sins committed and the good works done. However, someone who dies in a state of mortal sin, it is taught, almost always goes to Hell.

Do you think Joe Biden embarrasses the Catholic Church when he supports abortion? Do you want to see an end to abortion? Let us know your thoughts below!


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