Two Top Real Estate Companies Remove “Racist” Crime Data From Websites

Reports surfaced of two top real-estate companies removing crime data from their website due to it being racist, what’s next? Prices?

Two real-estate websites have bowed down to political correctness and have said they will no longer include crime data alongside listings.

“In the weeks and months ahead, we plan to examine closely what neighborhood safety means for buyers and renters who use our site so we can reimagine how we integrate safety data on,” the CEO of the company wrote recently. “Our goal is to ensure we are providing consumers with the most valuable, fair and accurate neighborhood data so they can make informed decisions about where they want to rent or purchase their next home.”

Curiously, is owned by News Corporation, which owns conservative publications such as the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal.

Redfin has also bowed down to a far-left racial agenda.

“We recently decided not to add neighborhood crime data to,” the company said. “We were considering this because we’re very much focused on answering all the questions people have when they’re considering a home purchase, and we know that one of these questions is whether they’ll feel safe in a given home or neighborhood. But the data available don’t allow us to speak accurately to that question, and given the long history of redlining and racist housing covenants in the United States there’s too great a risk of this inaccuracy reinforcing racial bias. We believe that Redfin–and all real estate sites–should not show neighborhood crime data.”

Do you think this is a bad idea? Do you think we need more cops to reduce crime? Let us know below!


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