These 17 Senate ‘Republicans’ voted in FAVOR of Biden’s latest trillion-dollar spending bill

Our country continues to experience inflation -- is another trillion-dollar pot of money really the way to go? According to 17 Senators who claim to be Republicans, the answer is yes.

Seventeen Republicans decided to support the latest trillion dollar spending bill from the Biden White House..

The Senate Republicans who failed to stand up for fiscally conservative principles are pictured below.

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As inflation surges and American citizens are getting hammered at the pump and at the grocery story, these 17 Republicans sold-out the American public.

“The deal calls for investing $110 billion for roads, bridges and major infrastructure projects, about the same amount agreed to in the bipartisan bill in June,” CNN reported.

“The bill would provide $7.5 billion for zero- and low-emission buses and ferries, aiming to deliver thousands of electric school buses to districts across the country,” CNN said.

It also makes some incredibly optimistic assumptions about how it will be paid for.

The legislation “relies on generating $56 billion in economic growth resulting from a 33% return on investment on the long-term projects.” 

CNN reported: 

Lawmakers and the White House expect to raise another $28 billion by changing the tax reporting rules on cryptocurrency, $20 billion from future sales of spectrum auctions and to utilize $67 billion from spectrum sales that already occurred. They also propose imposing various fees to tens of billions of dollars.

Economists and analysts have weighed in on out-of-control spending plans.

“A great country does not borrow its way to prosperity,” former Trump adviser and economist Stephen Moore said in June.

Another economist and Trump adviser Larry Kudlow criticized the legislation for making minimal changes to the processes for getting actual projects done.

Kudlow said:

So looking at the White House summary sheet, just saying, it looks a lot like go woke, go broke. Same themes as usual and that troubles me. Because I think all these projects in the infrastructure plan -- roads, bridges, freight rail, public transit, waterways, ports, broadband, airports and so forth and so on, etc., etc. -- all these projects are going to get what is called environmental justice review. Really? Environmental justice review, and right there I see a real big problem.

Do you think we need to cut spending across the board? Do you think our roads and bridges should be taken care of locally? Let us know your thoughts below!


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