The Obamas Are Creating a Show to “Educate” Children About Government

Former scandal-plagued President Barack Obama regularly trampled on the Constitution and is among the most divisive political figures in American history.

Barack and Michelle Obama are working with Netflix to create a show to teach kids about government.

“Barack and Michelle Obama are creating a Netflix animated series designed to “reframe” how children think about government and civic engagement, with musical performances by artists including Adam Lambert, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Janelle Monáe,” Breitbart reported.

“The episodes focus on subjects including citizenship, voting, taxes, and activism. The trailer features scenes of young people protesting in the streets and concludes with an image of a raised fist,” according to Breitbart.

The Obamas have made millions from deals with Netflix, a left-wing company. Former Obama PR flack Susan Rice, who went on national TV to push a false narrative about the terrorist attack in Benghazi, used to sit on its board.

As president, Obama regularly trampled on the institutions of our government, including directing an illegal campaign to stop banks from loaning to gun companies, spying on reporters and suing nuns who did not want to pay for birth control.

He also launched illegal wars in Syria and Libya without a formal declaration of war, as Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton oversaw the destruction of the Middle East.

Do you think Obama needs to apologize for his administration’s actions? Have you canceled your Netflix subscription? Share your thoughts below!


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