Amidst Border Crisis, Biden Still Pushing to Grant Amnesty to 11 Million Illegal Immigrants

The announcement is the latest move by Biden to encourage unchecked illegal immigrants to surge our border.

President Joe Biden, as expected, said he wants 11 million illegal immigrants given amnesty. Biden has winked and nodded at citizens of other countries and implicitly encouraged them to flood our border and come into our country. 

Granting amnesty now will only encourage more people to come here illegally, as they can reasonably expect to also be given amnesty at some point.

“The Biden administration urged Congress to pass an act that would allow 11 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. to obtain citizenship Tuesday,” The Daily Caller reported.

“President Joe Biden asked Congress to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021,” the conservative news site reported. 

The legislation “would create a way for illegal immigrants to apply for lawful permanent residency and citizenship, according to a White House proclamation to honor June as National Immigration Heritage Month.”

“This status [lawful prospective immigrant] shall be available to an applying noncitizen who meets certain requirements, including being continually present in the United States from January 1, 2021,” the U.S. House version of the legislation says. “After at least five years with this status, an eligible noncitizen may apply for and receive permanent resident status.”

Immigrants continue to flood into our country and neither Biden nor Harris seem to really want to stop them. Though they put them in dehumanizing cages, the ultimate goal seems to be to give them citizenship.

Do you wish we still had President Trump to secure our border? Do you think illegal immigrants should be given amnesty? Share your thoughts below!


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