The DHS is Preparing to Welcome 800,000 ‘Family Migrants’ into the United States

The Department of Homeland Security is prepping for an influx of illegal immigrants, as the crisis at the border continues to grow out of control.

Illegal immigrants have seen that President Biden will not deport them and have begun to flood the border. The problem has grown out of control, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security said it expects nearly 1 million new illegal immigrants to settle in the United States by the Fall.

“President Joe Biden’s border agencies are preparing reception centers to help a huge inflow of perhaps 800,000 family migrants this year, along with a record inflow of unaccompanied children and a growing wave of single men,” Breitbart reported, based on a Washington Post article.

The Post reported:

But as they race to add shelter capacity for these minors, Department of Homeland Security officials are privately warning about what they see as the next phase of a migration surge that could be the largest in two decades, driven by a much greater number of families.

The immigrants will move throughout the country at taxpayer expense.

Neil Munro reported:

The extra facilities are being used to provide legal advice and paperwork to help the migrants move permanently into Americans’ labor markets and housing markets.

The reports do not describe any steps the federal government is taking to deter, stop, or reduce the inflow. The inflow will generate billions of dollars in smuggling revenue for coyotes and for the drug-smuggling cartels that control access to the U.S. border — and plus many billions in extra revenue and profits for U.S. companies.

This comes as the number of illegal immigrants surge. The Biden Administration has shown a reluctance to exercise leadership and take control of the border.

President Biden recently appointed vice president Kamala Harris to be his point person on the response, but she has lately been focusing on ensuring her taxpayer-funded mansion is properly renovated instead.

Recent media reports from the border show that it is being overwhelmed. The White House has also tied the hands of border patrol to talk about the issue, and a White House official tried to block Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz from showing a video of the horrendous immigration situation.

Should Biden admit he has made mistakes on immigration? Should taxpayers fund services for illegal immigrants while veterans sleep on the streets? Tell us below!


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