Texas AG Files Lawsuit in US Supreme Court Against Results in GA, WI, MI, and PA

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit with the US Supreme Court to block Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania from certifying, “unlawful and constitutionally tainted votes” in the Electoral College.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing four battleground states where voter fraud allegations have been rampant, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The lawsuit alleges that the changes to the election procedures violated federal law and votes cast in those methods should not be counted.

While many are claiming the suit is merely a longshot bid to stop the inevitable, others are claiming it may be enough to force the Supreme Court to hear their case.

Shortly after the announcement was made, “God Bless Texas” began trending all over social media. Several of the top reactions are posted below.

White House Press Secretary and Harvard Law School Graduate, Kayleigh McEnany, stated that the suit means, “Texas will have original jurisdiction to go directly to the Supreme Court.”

Only time will tell if this lawsuit turns out to be productive or just another publicity stunt.


17 States Tell SCOTUS They Support the Texas Lawsuit to Reverse Election Results


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