Real News With A Patriotic Bias.
US News & Politics
Dr. Fauci SLAMMED By Senator Rand Paul For Claiming He Represents “Science”
Fauci has ignored criticism and pushed for suffocating lockdowns and authoritarian vaccine mandates. Now he claimed to represent…
JP Morgan Chase freezes donations to Republicans who contested 2020 Election
The big bank said it will halt donations to Republicans who objected to the certification of Electoral College votes…
BREAKING: Senator Ted Cruz Tweets Out New Shocking Photos of Border Facility in Texas
Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) tweeted out shocking photos showing migrant children crowded together in small quarter in what he….
POLL: If President Trump Doesn’t Run in 2024, Who Would YOU Support?
If President Trump does not run for office in 2024, who would you support as the GOP nomination for President as of today?
John Boehner Tells Ted Cruz to “Go F**k Yourself” While Recording Audio Version of New Memoir
According to an Axios report, former Speaker of the House John Boehner has been going off script while recording the audio part of….
WATCH: Senator Ted Cruz Asks House Impeachment Managers if VP Kamala Harris Incited BLM Riots
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) submitted a question to the House Impeachment Managers on the Senate’s 4th day of Impeachment….
Rep. Chip Roy Demands AOC Apologize To Ted Cruz For Accusing the Senator of Attempted Murder
Representative Chip Roy sent a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi demanding that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez…
Senator Ted Cruz Reintroduces Amendment Imposing Term Limits
Senator Ted Cruz reintroduced an amendment on Monday imposing term limits on members of Congress…
Ted Cruz Wears 'Come And Take It' Mask At Biden Inauguration
While in attendance at the inauguration of President Biden, Senator Ted Cruz wore a mask…