Susan Rice Has Reportedly TRIPLED Her Net Worth Since Leaving Obama White House

Biden’s Domestic Policy Advisory Council chair made millions in consulting after leaving the White House.

President Biden has been in D.C. almost 50 full years. One of his top domestic policy advisors, Susan Rice, has cashed in on her connections to the Obama White House, according to recent asset disclosures.

Rice’s financial disclosure and ethics filings show that she at least tripled her wealth in the several years between when she left the Obama White House and when she joined the Biden Administration. Rice left the Obama Administration in a cloud of disgrace after repeatedly misleading the public about the origins of the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

The Washington Examiner reported:

In a newly available, 28-page disclosure form, Susan Rice detailed assets 3 to 4 times the amount she reported upon joining the Obama administration in 2009, with assets then between $13 million and more than $40 million.

Rice cashed in big on consulting fees and stock options given to her as part of consulting contracts.

Rice sold over $300,000 in Netflix stock options, for example, according to her disclosure.

The Washington Examiner reported further:

Rice earned more than $600,000 in speaking fees last year from companies, universities, and professional organizations, including Salesforce, media firm Arizent, investment partnership Neuberger Berman, and Latham and Watkins, a law firm.

Melinda Gates's Pivotal Ventures paid Rice $10,000 for a speaking engagement, along with nearly $50,000 from A&E Networks for participating in HISTORYTalks and $81,000 from an organization listed as the "Cambridge Speakers Series.

Prior to Biden’s victory in 2020, other commentators had raised concerns about Rice’s ethics problems. She had been floated as a possible choice for Secretary of State or vice president.

“After her time in the Clinton White House, Rice went into private consulting, spending 2001 and 2002 as a managing director and principal at Intellibridge, a geopolitical strategy shop, which eventually became Eurasia Group,” Alexander Sammon wrote at the Prospect.

The Intellibridge group has faced criticism for helping keep foreign dictators in power, a clear conflict of interest for someone like Rice who held foreign policy roles after working at the strategy company.

“The lack of transparency in Rice’s work at Intellibridge may be standard for that particular foreign-consulting industry, but that’s not a sufficient explanation for someone striving to be vice president,” Sammon wrote.

Should we trust Susan Rice and her conflicts of interest? Do you trust Biden’s appointees to care about average Americans? Tell us below!


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