Struggling Biden: Oil Reaches Highest Price in 6 Years

The AOC-Bernie Sanders environmental agenda, embraced by the White House, is hurting American pocketbooks as the price of oil reached a record high.

President Joe Biden has embraced a far-left environmental agenda that has led to skyrocketing oil prices. His policies, which have been pushed for years by people like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are hurting middle-income Americans and contributing to inflation.

The main grade of US crude oil was at $74.68 a barrel on Tuesday after hitting its highest level in 6 years.

“July 4th gas prices were among the highest in almost seven years at a national average of $3 a gallon,” the Daily Caller reported, citing an article from the Wall Street Journal.

“The price and demand increase is causing concern among executives and OPEC leaders that higher prices could impact the economic recovery from the pandemic and ramp up inflation,” the Daily Caller reported.

Soon after taking office, President Biden barred new leases for oil and gas exploration on federal lands. He also shut down exploration on federal lands in Alaska.

Meanwhile, average Americans are paying higher prices at the pump, while Biden implements the socialist Green New Deal by fiat.

Do you think AOC is just concerned on what is happening? Do you think Biden is worried about how low and middle-income Americans are getting hammered at the pump? Let us know your thoughts below!


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