SCOTUS Unanimously Rules Against Illegal Migrants Seeking to Permanently Stay in US

The United States Supreme Court ruled on Monday that Illegal Aliens who were given Temporary Protected Status (TPS) are NOT eligible for green cards to remain in US permanently. Even Chief Justice John Roberts did the right thing!

The Supreme Court dealt a blow to the left-wing immigration agenda of Biden and Harris during a recent unanimous ruling, with the majority opinion written by far-left Justice Elena Kagan.

“The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on Monday held that illegal aliens who were subsequently given Temporary Protected Status (TPS) are not eligible for green cards to permanently remain in the U.S,” Breitbart reported on the case, Sanchez v. Mayorkas.

“Jose Santos Sanchez, an illegal alien from El Salvador, came to the U.S. illegally in 1997. In 2001, Sanchez was provided TPS, a nonimmigrant status that allows him to remain in the U.S. for as long as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) extends TPS for El Salvador,” Breitbart reported.

“In 2014, Sanchez applied for lawful permanent resident status, commonly known as a green card, to permanently resettle in the U.S. After the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency denied Sanchez’s green card application on the grounds that he first entered the U.S. illegally, Sanchez challenged the decision in a federal district court and won,” the news site said.

Kagan and the whole Court ruled that he did not have a right to apply for a green card, because he first came here illegally.

The ruling is sure to upset open border libertarians and far-left activists who want to flood the country with illegal immigrants, as this removes one incentive for people to come here and break our laws.

Do you agree with the ruling? Do you think we need to build a wall to stop illegal immigration? Share your thoughts below!


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