Democrats Are Scrambling as GOP Wins Shocking Mayoral Race in 85% Hispanic Texas City

Liberals are worried after a Hispanic Republican won a mayoral race in the 85% Latino McAllen, Texas.

As Joe Biden and Kamala Harris push to let in millions of illegal immigrants, a resounding victory by an America First Republican in a heavily Latino city is causing Democratic consultants to worry about the Democratic Party’s extremism.

“Former Hidalgo County GOP chair Javier Villalobos won a narrow victory in the McAllen, Texas Mayor’s race this weekend,” John Hawkins at wrote.

“Holy cow... Republicans just flipped the mayorship of McAllen, Texas,” pro-Trump conservative commentator Ryan Girdusky said. “This was not expected and shows Hispanics in South Texas may have shifted with the GOP even post Trump.”

Steve Cortes, an advisor to President Trump, said the victory shows that America First policies are popular.

“The macro realignment accelerates in South Texas, and elsewhere, as Hispanics rally to America First:  Strong Borders Economic Nationalism Pro-Police,” Cortes said.

Democratic consultants and observers meanwhile are worried, rightly, about what the victory means for their far-left agenda.

Do you think we need bold Republicans like Villalobos to run for office? Do you think liberals are worried that they are turning off Hispanic voters? Share your thoughts below!


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