Salt Lake City Mayor and City Council declare racism a ‘public health crisis’

The CDC has also reportedly endorsed the racial grievance idea that racism is a ‘health crisis.’

The left-wing mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah and the left-wing city council have formally endored the idea that racism is a “public health crisis.”

“We are publicly acknowledging the existence of a grave inequity many in our community have long experienced, and are committing ourselves to creating policies and ordinances that are anti-racist,” Mayor Erin Mendenhall, wrote in a tweet recently.

The New York Post reported:

The Salt Lake City resolution went on to say that racism affects many aspects of a person’s life, from where people live to where they work and go to school, “which creates inequities in access to a range of social and economic benefits” like housing, education, wealth and employment.

Read more about the left-wing resolution here.

Do you think racism is a health crisis? Do you think the CDC should focus on preventing actual diseases? Let us know below!


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