RNC Will Not Endorse Donald Trump If He Runs For President Again

In an interview on Wednesday with the Associated Press, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said they do not plan to endorse Donald Trump if he plans to run for office again in 2024.

“The party has to stay neutral. I’m not telling anybody to run or not to run in 2024,” said McDaniel. “That’s going to be up to those candidates going forward. What I really do want to see him do, though, is help us win back majorities in 2022.”

McDaniel also debunked the rumor that President Trump was planning to start a third party.

"I’ve talked to the president. I’ve talked to others around the president, who are talking to him every day. He’s not going to start a third party,” said McDaniel.

According to a Rasmussen survey, 53 percent of Republicans think that it would be a good idea if Trump started his own political party.

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