Rioters cause $20,000 in damage to Boys and Girls Club in Portland

Despite the damage, the director of the damaged charity appears sympathetic to the rioters beliefs.

On April 19, “protesters calling for racial justice caused nearly $20,000 in damage to the [Boys and Girls] club, which houses services for mostly Black and brown children and families in Portland,” according to Oregon Live.

But despite the violence and damage, the director of the program appeared to support BLM.

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan blasted the damage done, calling out the Biden Administration for ignoring the “violence.”

“We totally understand the need to protest and all of the systemic issues that exist in our country around criminal justice reform, around police brutality and system oppression,” Johnson said.

“But we ask protesters to make sure they’re considering our mission and the work we do in Black and brown communities, because our mission work is part of that protest,” Johnson said.

Portland police urged ‘protestors’ not to riot.

Portland police warned people to not engage in criminal activity and that they could be subject to arrest, use of force and munitions,” Oregon Live reported.

“Police declared an unlawful assembly just before 10 p.m. and ordered the crowd to disperse to the north.”

Do you think Black Lives Matter needs to be criminally prosecuted? Should BLM be declared a terrorist organization? Share your thoughts below!

Photo credit: Alex McCarthy/Unsplash


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