REPORT: White House HELPING Hunter Biden Keep Painting Buyers Confidential to Avoid Ethics Issues

President Joe Biden’s White House has reportedly created a structure to shield the public from finding out who is buying Hunter’s art.

President Joe Biden’s staff, paid for by taxpayers, has arranged a deal to ensure that the public will not find out who is giving money to buy Hunter Biden’s art.

“The White House helped broker the deal that would allow buyers of Hunter Biden's paintings to remain confidential, despite widespread concerns it could lead to bribery and influence peddling,” the Daily Mail reported.

“The plan will allow Hunter Biden to forge ahead with his new career as an artist after a career change from a high-paid consultant on international deals,” the Daily Mail reported, “by also shielding him from the identities of those who purchase his pricey works.”

The deal has raised criticism from a former Obama-Biden ethics chief.

Walter Shaub, an ethics attorney who worked on similar issues in the Obama-Biden White House, criticized the deal. “So instead of disclosing who is paying outrageous sums for Hunter Biden’s artwork so that we could monitor whether the purchasers are gaining access to [the] government, the WH tried to make sure we will never know who they are.”

“We’re supposed to trust a merchant in an industry that’s fertile ground for money laundering, as well as unknown buyers who could tell Hunter or WH officials? No thanks,” Shaub said, according to CNBC.

Do you think Hunter Biden needs to pull out of the deal? Do you think we need a federal investigation into this agreement? Let us know below!


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