Andrew Cuomo Wants to Address Gun Violence the Same Way He Addressed COVID

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order declaring a state of emergency in response to spikes in gun-related violence.

Disgraced New York Governor Andrew Cuomo made the announcement in a tweet on Tuesday.

The tweet read “Today I am issuing an Executive Order declaring a Disaster Emergency on gun violence. Gun violence is a public health crisis, and we must treat it like one. This declaration will allow us to give this crisis the full attention & resources it deserves.” This comes following a report from the failing New York Times which reported massive spikes in crime since last summer when Black Lives Matter riots were seen ravaging major cities across the country.

New York Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt voiced opposition to Cuomo's announcement calling it "political grandstanding" and said the gun violence crisis has a direct link to the passage of New York’s state bail reform laws.

Governor Cuomo said his administration wanted to do “what we just did with COVID” to stem the rising tide of crime. It’s unclear if he was implying his plan was to murder additional senior citizens in the same manner his COVID policy did.

Cuomo also signed legislation making it easier for individuals to bring civil lawsuits against gun manufacturers on Tuesday. This emergency declaration comes just 13 days after New York’s COVID state of emergency ended.

Do you think Andrew Cuomo should apologize for murdering innocent senior citizens in nursing homes during the covid pandemic? Should he be trusted to lead another emergency declaration? Let us know below!


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