Red States Have Lower Unemployment Rates Than Blue States

Many Republican-led states have low unemployment and high economic growth, an economics journalist concluded.

President Biden and Democrats in Congress passed a nearly $2 trillion dollar bill that sends taxpayer dollars under the guise of “COVID relief.” In reality, many of those states would be far better off if they rolled back job-killing COVID lockdowns.

“The results are in—and they overwhelmingly vindicate the free states over the authoritarian experiments,” Brad Polumbo at the Foundation for Economic Education wrote recently.

He reports: The national unemployment rate was a poor if not disastrous 6.2 percent in February. Yet the just-released state-level unemployment rates for last month show that the devastation hasn’t been equal across the board. New Labor Department data reveal that many free states have returned to nearly their pre-pandemic unemployment rates—while lockdown states dominate the wrong end of the list

He noted that freedom-loving states  such as South Dakota, Utah, Nebraska, and New Hampshire top the list with unemployment rates hovering around a stellar 3 percent.”

Similarly, states like Georgia and Florida “both rank in the top 20.”  

“Perhaps the only obvious outlier is Texas, which ranks poorly with an unemployment rate of 6.9 percent—but, then again, Governor Greg Abbott only rolled back the remaining restrictions in the Lone Star state earlier this month,” Polumbo explained.

One thing is clear -- low taxes, few regulations and Republican states are destroying leftist states.

Do you think New York and California should admit that high taxes do not work? Should Republican state taxpayers subsidize Democratic states that are in lockdowns? Tell us below!


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