Guatemala’s President Begs Biden White House For Amnesty For Illegals

The president of Guatemala begged with VP Harris for the White House to grant so-called Temporary Protected Status to illegal immigrants from Guatemala.

Crime and decrepit conditions are abounding at the Southern border, but the president of Guatemala sees an opportunity to ensure that illegal immigrants from his country are granted de facto amnesty.

“Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei urged U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris this week to grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to illegal Guatemalan nationals already in America, allowing them to reside legally, work lawfully, and even travel,” Breitbart reported on Friday.

“Giammattei’s request for TPS came Tuesday, during a phone conversation with VP Harris, tapped by U.S. President Joe Biden to lead the White House response to the migrant surge that is overwhelming America’s southern border,” the conservative outlet reported.

While “Temporary Protected Status” sounds like it allows a brief stay, the reality is that it often turns into amnesty by another name.

For example, in 2019, President Trump and the Department of Homeland Security ended TPS status for Haitians who had come here after a 2010 earthquake, according to NBC News.

“Approximately 46,000 Haitians were allowed to enter the U.S. and work without fear of deportation, according to the Pew Research Center. Other reports and officials have put the number as high as 60,000,” the news organization reported at the time.

The Trump Administration had to go through the courts to affirm that it has the ability to end protected status. Politicians know that once refugees come to this country and begin working, it is easier to win sympathies for them to stay.

“More than 300,000 people from 10 different nations currently use the program, some of whom have lived and worked in the United States for decades,” Forbes estimated.

As the name implies, the program is not supposed to lead to permanent residency. The U.S. pours billions of taxpayer dollars into these countries to fix them and make them livable, but then has to spend billions more on welfare for people on TPS who stay in the U.S.

The program “[g]rants legal presence in the United States and legal access to the labor market to illegals from specified nations determined by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),” the Center for Immigration Studies explained in 2010. “While the program carries the name ‘temporary,’ in practice its coverage of previously enrolled persons is routinely extended year after year. Many of the Central American migrants in the country currently have this status.”

Should illegal immigrants return to their country? Should illegal immigrants be allowed here to stay indefinitely? Let us know below!


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