Pennsylvania County Manager Resigns After Election Chaos

Luzerne County Manager, David Pedri, submitted his resignation to the County Council days after a chaotic primary election.

The 2020 Republican Nominee for the hotly contested 8th congressional district in Northeast Pennsylvania, Jim Bognet, released a blistering statement following the resignation of Luzerne County Manager David Pedri.

HAZLETON - Today, Jim Bognet, the 2020 Republican Nominee for Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District, issued the following statement following the resignation of Luzerne County Manager David Pedri:

“ Following Tuesday’s Luzerne County Election fiasco, County Manager Dave Pedri has announced his resignation. Another departure is necessary to begin to restore faith in elections in Luzerne County. Election Director Bob Morgan must go and he must go NOW. Morgan worked for many years as a political hack for Nancy Pelosi’s lap dog Matt Cartwright. Morgan has no experience or competence to serve as an Election Director, and is a partisan tool of Matt Cartwright’s.

If ‘More Mistakes’ Morgan won’t leave out of sheer embarrassment for Tuesday’s Dominion Voting Machine disaster, he should immediately fired by the Luzerne County Council, no more delays, no more partisan Democrats running elections in Luzerne County!

The Luzerne County must act now, and Bob Morgan must go. The people of Luzerne County deserve better. ”

See the original tweet below:

The current Luzerne County Election Director Bob Morgan left his position as deputy chief of staff for U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright earlier this year.

Jim Bognet is seen as a strong possible contender to again challenge liberal Matt Cartwright in 2022.

Many believed Pedri would seek public office in some capacity but instead has taken a job in the private sector. Pedri served as county manager for five years.

Do you have complete faith in how your local elections are run? Share your thoughts below!


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