Numerous CNN Commentators say Columbus Cop Was Justified to Shoot Knife-Wielding Teenage Girl

A handful of CNN commentators, including Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon, seemed to agree that a Columbus cop made a reasonable decision when he shot and killed a knife-wielding black girl.

Recently, Columbus cop Nick Reardon, along with at least two other police officers, responded to a 911 call about a girl threatening several people with a knife. Within a minute of arriving at the scene, Reardon quickly shot and attacked the knife-wielding girl, identified as Ma’Khiah Bryant.

Reardon has found some unlikely allies at CNN of all places. A number of commentators have expressed that he made a reasonable, though difficult, decision when he shot Bryant.

“Sometimes I don’t feel for certain parties as much as others,” Cuomo said. “But I feel for that officer, you can hear it in his voice … this is something that he’s going to have to live with also,” Cuomo said on his show last night.

Don Lemon, who comes on before Cuomo, agreed with him. Lemon and Cuomo were engaging in a dialogue as a transition into Cuomo’s show.

“But I see it, if the woman in the pink was my sister, niece, wife, whatever, you have to make a decision,” Lemon said, in reference to a woman who can be seen next to Bryant, attempting to flee the armed teenaged

 “Is one life on that scene more valuable than another?” Lemon asked.

“And if someone is trying to take a life on that scene, do you protect the life of the person trying to take the life, or do you protect the life of the person whose life is in imminent danger at that point?” Lemon said.

Though both regularly push incendiary language and push a leftist agenda, they seemed to agree that Reardon made  a reasonable decision.

Other CNN commentators have recently agreed that the Columbus cop’s decision made sense.

“CNN analyst Anthony Barksdale said Thursday that the shooting of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio was ‘justified from a policing perspective,’” the Daily Caller reported.

“The officer used lethal force when he saw that another citizen, another person, human being, was in clear and imminent danger of being stabbed,” the former cop said.

“The officer used his service weapon to stop the threat.”

Do you agree Reardon made a reasonable decision? Do you think the media can rush sometimes to condemn cops? Share your thoughts below!


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