Maxine Waters: Republicans Are Worse Than ‘Evil’

The California Congresswoman has a history of making incendiary comments.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters continued her history of making inflammatory comments. She previously traveled to Minnesota during the Derek Chauvin trial and encouraged “confrontation.” She also encouraged leftists to harass Trump administration officials.

The agitator Maxine Waters recently said that Republicans are worse than “evil.”

She said:

Worse than that. Worse than that. Evil. When you see the kind of attacks that you have talked about already, that’s constantly being made by them, that’s evil. I want you to know, I’m under attack also. They tried to censure me and we beat them back with the majority that we have. Even Marjorie Taylor Greene, I believe, has something up to expel me from the Congress of the United States. Can you imagine people with this kind of attitude and these kinds of actions and this kind of racism that they display all the time talking about expelling me or anybody else from Congress when, in fact, they shouldn’t even be there?

Does Maxine Waters need to resign? Should the Congressional Republicans file formal ethics complaints against her? Let us know below!


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