POLL: Majority of GOP Voters Support Trump Starting a Third Party

A new Rasmussen Reports national survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds that 53% of GOP voters say it’s a good idea for Trump to start a third party.

The Rasmussen survey was taken on January 21st-24th and it was among 1,000 likely US voters.

The exact question asked went as follows, “Former President Trump has suggested he may start a third party. Is this a good idea or a bad idea?”

A majority of the respondents asked stated that it was a “bad idea” however the majority of likely GOP voters, 53% considered it a “good idea.”

The Rasmussen poll also asked respondents if, “former President Trump started a third party, would you consider the Trump party better or worse than the Republican Party, or about the same?”

Among the likely GOP voters polled, 49 percent said they believe the new party would be “better,” 33 percent said it would be “worse,” 21 percent said the GOP would be “about the same,” and eight percent said they were, “not sure.”

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