Democrat Congressman To Introduce Resolution to Expel Marjorie Taylor Greene from Congress

Congressman Jimmy Gomez (D-CA) announced Wednesday evening that he had introduced a resolution to expel freshman Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) from Congress immediately.

The left-wing Representative’s office released a statement saying that, “In light of numerous reports revealing her repeated endorsements of sedition, domestic terrorism, and political violence, Congressman Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) announced today he will introduce a resolution to expel Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14) from the U.S. House of Representatives.”

The Democrat Congressman from California tweeted out his office’s statement and it is embedded below:

Congressman Gomez added that, “Such advocacy for extremism and sedition not only demands her immediate expulsion from Congress, but it also merits strong and clear condemnation from all of her Republican colleagues, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Her very presence in office represents a direct threat against the elected officials and staff who serve our government, and it is with their safety in mind, as well as the security of institutions and public servants across our country, that I call on my House colleagues to support my resolution to immediately remove Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene from this legislative body.”

The Freshman Congresswoman was appointed to the House Education and Labor Committee by top-ranking House Republicans.

Representative Greene stated that, "Over the years, I've had teams of people manage my pages," and that, "many posts have been liked. Many posts have been shared. Some did not represent my views."

Greene has been a frequent target of left-wing media outlets since announcing her candidacy and taking office earlier this month.

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