Lori Lightfoot Temporarily BANS White Reporters from Interviewing Her

Chicago’s failed mayor, Lori Lightfoot, instituted a likely illegal policy of banning white reporters from interviewing her for her two-year anniversary of being in office.

The city of Chicago is experiencing skyrocketing crime and businesses are shuttering across the city, as Mayor Lori Lightfoot has struggled to lead the city in the past two years since taking office.

But instead of acknowledging her failures, she has instituted, temporarily at least, a racist and potentially illegal policy of banning white reporters from interviewing her one-on-one to celebrate her two years in office.

“As ⁦@chicagosmayor⁩ reaches her two year midway point as mayor, her spokeswoman says Lightfoot is granting 1 on 1 interviews - only to Black or Brown journalists,” NBC Chicago reporter Mary Ann Ahern tweeted on May 18.

Even minority reporters who would benefit from the racist policy criticized it and accused Lightfoot of failing to answer their questions, even though she supposedly wanted to engage with minorities.

“I wish Lightfoot's office would have granted one interview to our @city_bureau budget team last year who were mostly young women of color covering policy,” Sarah Anne Conway, a local journalist, tweeted in response.

“Instead, they declined every. single. interview. request. and complained about multiple [public records] requests.”

“Yes, for those who are asking, South Side Weekly did request an interview with @chicagosmayor and unsurprisingly received no response and no fancy letter,” a Hispanic journalist tweeted.

Some Twitter commentators noted that the police is racist and illegal or were surprised by the policy. “How is that even true, be serious,” Hispanic Democrat Alderman George Cardenas tweeted.

“That is ridiculous @chicagosmayor. Don't discriminate,” Susan Geischedle, a Black Lives Matter supporter, said.

“Uhhhh...Seems a bit racist to me. But, what do I know,” one commenter noted.

“Openly Racist policy,” another person said.

Do you think this policy is illegal and racist? Should she be fined and punished for breaking the law? Share your thoughts below!


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