Lincoln Project Co-Founder Confesses To Sending Inappropriate Messages To Men, Comes Out As Gay

Lincoln Project Co-Founder John Weaver admitted last week to sending inappropriate messages to young men and attempting to trick them into having sex with him. He also came out as gay in a statement he released.

“For too long I have tried to live a life that wasn't completely true, where I cleaved off an important part of myself in order to maintain what I thought was happiness and normalcy in the other part. I was lying myself, to my family who gave me nothing but unconditional love, and to others, causing a great deal of pain to all,” began Weaver in his statement.

“The truth is that I'm gay. And that I have a wife and two kids who I love. My inability to reconcile those two truths has led to this agonizing place,” continued Weaver.

“To the men I made uncomfortable through my messages that I viewed as consensual mutual conversations at the time: I am truly sorry. They were inappropriate and it was because of my failings that this discomfort was brought on you,” added Weaver. “I have the most beautiful, loving and courageous family who I deceived all these years. I don't deserve you. But I love you with all of my heart and I'm so sorry that you have to suffer for my mistakes.”

Multiple men have come out and said the Weaver had pleaded with them to come and meet him to discuss a potential job only to find out he lured them to his place for sex. Other accusers alleged that Weaver had only flirted with them over messaging.

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