Jeffrey Epstein guards admit to falsifying records from night of his death

The federal government said Epstein killed himself, but questions remain.

Jeffrey Epstein was a well-connected financier who is accused of committing a number of sexual crimes, including sex trafficking underage girls. He was also reportedly in contact with high-ranking Democrats including Bill and Hillary Clinton as well as Bill Gates.

That’s why when he died, and the federal government said he committed suicide, some people raised questions. After all, Epstein was literally on suicide watch, meant to ensure suicidal people do not kill themselves.

Now, news has emerged that Epstein’s security guards that night have admitted to falsifying records.

“Two corrections officers accused of failing to keep watch over inmate Jeffrey Epstein the night he killed himself will avoid potentially serving time in jail by striking a deferred prosecution deal with prosecutors,” CNBC reported.

“The guards, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, admitted that they ‘willfully and knowingly’ filled out documents falsely to suggest that they had been checking Epstein’s cell on schedule,” the news site reported.

“On Aug. 9 and Aug. 10, 2019, Noel and Thomas were responsible for checking in on Epstein at a series of intervals,” CNBC reported. “But Noel and Thomas did not complete all of their assigned check-ins on Epstein, prosecutors have said.”

“Instead, they surfed the internet in the common area of the special housing unit of the federal lockup, browsing sports news and sales of furniture and motorcycles, an indictment charged. They also appear to have been asleep for about two hours during their shift,” CNBC said.

The media often tries to connect Epstein to Donald Trump, but in reality the former president distanced himself from Epstein years ago as allegations of the financier’s improprieties came to light.

His associate, Ghislaine Maxwell, faces federal charges for her role in possibly helping Epstein.

“In July 2020, his ex-girlfriend and longtime associate Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested on charges relating to Epstein's sex trafficking operation,” Town & Country reported.

Epstein also gave millions of dollars to left-wing Harvard University.

“The report confirms that the University received a total of $9.1 million in gifts from Epstein between 1998 and 2008 to support a variety of research and faculty activities, and that no gifts were received from Epstein following his conviction in 2008 [for prostitution charges],” the university admitted.

Should a federal investigation be opened into the Clintons for their connection to Epstein? Should universities who took money from Epstein forfeit their donations and give it to his victims? Share your thoughts below!


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