HYPOCRITE Rashida Tlaib admits she only wears masks when cameras are around

The leftist Congresswoman has previously been caught partying maskless after criticizing Republicans for opposing mask mandates.

Far-left “Squad’ member Rashida Tlaib admitted on video that she only wears masks when cameras are around.

Washington Free Beacon reports:

The "Squad" member told attendees at the event that she only wore a mask because a "Republican tracker" was filming her. After doing an event with Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary Marcia Fudge on Monday, Tlaib conversed with a maskless attendee who mistakenly thought the Democrat scolded him for being "the one unmasked guy" in the area. Tlaib responded by insisting she only wore a mask because a "Republican tracker" was recording the exchange.

"No, no, no—I'm just wearing it because I've got a Republican tracker here,” the Muslim Democrat said.

Tlaib previously partied it up at a massive wedding, after criticizing Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul for urging Americans to refuse to listen to CDC widespread masking guidelines.

Do you think Tlaib needs to apologize for what she said? Do you think masks actually work? Share your thoughts below!


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