HYPOCRITE ALERT! Governor Whitmer traveled to Florida shortly before criticizing it for reopening

Leftist Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has once again revealed herself to be a hypocrite, traveling to Florida before criticizing the state for reopening.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has been one of the most disastrous leaders during coronavirus, rivaling only New York’s Andrew Cuomo.

She’s also apparently a massive hypocrite.

In addition to her husband allegedly trying to get special favors to use his boat during the lockdown, it’s now been reported and confirmed that she took a trip to Florida to visit her dad, before criticizing the state.

“Gov. Gretchen Whitmer traveled out of state more than a month ago to visit her elderly father, a snowbird who has lived in Florida and has a chronic disease,” the Associated Press reported.

“[The disclosure of the trip] came weeks after the governor warned the public about spring break trips, particularly to Florida, amid a surge in coronavirus cases,” the AP said. “Two of her top aides, including Michigan’s health director, vacationed in southern states despite a state recommendation to avoid travel.”

Did you catch that?

Whitmer, like a number of leftist politicians and media figures, have spent the past year berating Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis for practicing targeted mitigation efforts while not pushing for massive lockdowns. 

Yet many of these leftist politicians have no problem traveling to Florida for family.

For example, Illinois’ leftist Governor J.B. Pritzker sent his family to Florida around the same time the failing Midwestern state began to shut down.

There’s nothing wrong with Whitmer wanting to visit her father -- but it reeks of hypocrisy that as businesses across the state have closed and families have been prevented from seeing dying or sick loved ones, the left-wing politician traveled to visit her own family.

Should Whitmer apologize for bashing Florida? Do you think politicians care about the average American who has been harmed by the shutdowns? Share your thoughts below!


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