Hobby Lobby Under Attack Over Newspaper Ad Titled, "One Nation Under God"

Hardcore leftists are fretting about an ad from Christian company Hobby Lobby that promoted religion and said we are “one nation under God,” a line found in the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Leftists have had it out for Hobby Lobby since former President Obama tried to force it to pay for birth control, despite the Christian owners’ religious objections to it.

They’ve now found another reason to unleash antipathy on the arts and crafts company: It ran an ad that quoted prominent American leaders thanking God and promoting Christianity.

“The ad featured a child running with an American flag with the words, ‘One Nation Under God,’” the Christian Post reported. “Lower in the advertisement are the words of Psalm 33:12, which reads, ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.’”

“The page also features a series of quotes from American founders and other leaders essential to the shaping of the nation, touching on the importance of God or the Bible,” the Christian publication said. “Among those highlighted are former presidents, Supreme Court justices and Founding Fathers. The bottom of the page offered contact information for those interested in having a relationship with Jesus.”

“In Hobby Lobby We DON’T Trust,” a far-left pro-atheist group called Freedom from Religion Foundation said.

“As an American Jew who served in the United States Army and took an oath to defend the Constitution; I find your statement of America should be lead by Christians to be asinine and unconstitutional. Shame on you @HobbyLobby,” far-left Never Trump former Republican David Weissman said.

Do you think liberals need to calm down about the ad? Do you think we need to bring religion back into government? Let us know below!


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