WATCH: Kirsten Gillibrand Says Schumer Is The Best American To Bring Country Together

During a press conference on Sunday, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said that Senator Chuck Schumer is the best American at bringing the country together after the inauguration of Joe Biden.

“Chuck Schumer understands states and communities all across this country better than anybody, he’s worked to get people elected in every part of this country — red, blue, and purple — and he understands that this country needs to heal, that we have to bring people together, that we have to get things done,” said Gillibrand.

“I don’t think there’s a human being alive in America today that could do a better job than Chuck Schumer in this moment to bring this country back together again, to get things done, to get the economy moving. His life and dedication to public service has prepared him for this moment better than anyone, and so I am so optimistic that in this new Congress, we will be able to govern, we will be able to get resources to our cities, our states, our communities,” Gillibrand continued.

“I see everything as possible now because of that one change. And so I just want Senator Schumer to understand that he is the right person at this time for this moment to deliver the relief that hopefully President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris will bring forward,” concluded Gillibrand.

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