Biden Plans To Strike Keystone XL Pipeline Project In First Days In Office

According to a report by the Canadian Broadcasting Company, Joe Biden plans to kill the Keystone Pipeline project within his first days in office, following in the steps of his predecessor Barack Obama.

“A purported briefing note from the Biden transition team mentioning the plan was widely circulated over the weekend after being shared by the incoming president's team with U.S. stakeholders,” said the report. “The words ‘Rescind Keystone XL pipeline permit’ appear on a list of executive actions supposedly scheduled for Day 1 of Biden's presidency.”

Conservative lawmakers have already come out and denounced this decision by Biden, including Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), who said “Biden plans to kill jobs and raise your energy prices, and for what? Not the environment. Canceling this pipeline does nothing for the environment. It is for his radical base. He’s appeasing them on day one.”

Canadian Ambassador to the U.S. Kirsten Hillman also criticized Biden’s proposed action, saying “Keystone XL fits within Canada's climate plan. It will also contribute to U.S. energy security and economic competitiveness."

It is unknown how soon within the first days of the administration that Biden plans to axe the pipeline.

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