Gavin Newsom attempting to ban fracking by 2024 & oil extraction by 2045

Disgraced California Governor Gavin Newsom is waging an all-out war on oil and natural gas.

Disgraced California Governor Gavin Newsom is seeking to appease far-left socialist activists in the state, as he faces a recall election.

“California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) announced Friday that he would end new permits for hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) in 2024, and would ask state regulators to explore ways to end the extraction of oil entirely in the state by 2045,” Breitbart reported.

“Newsom’s statement confirmed earlier reports about his decision to end fracking, which contradicted his claim last September that he could not end fracking in the state through executive action alone, and would need the legislature to pass a bill,” Joel Pollak wrote.

“California will work to end oil extraction as part of nation-leading effort to achieve carbon neutrality,” the governor said in a press release. The executive demand “will halt issuance of fracking permits by 2024.”

The executive order is part of Newsom’s complete assault on energy freedom and economic development in the state.

As governor, Newsom has overseen an exodus from the state. For example, 20 percent of Californians fled for Texas, according to data from a realtor group.

Do you think Gavin Newsom is a good leader? Do you think we can power our economy on solar panels and wind turbines? Share your thoughts below!


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