Florida veteran celebrates 105th birthday, survived COVID and Pearl Harbor

Bill Monfort has survived a lot at age 105, including Pearl Harbor and COVID-19.

A Florida patriot veteran recently celebrated his 105th birthday. His long life includes serving his country, surviving Pearl Harbor and most recently defeating COVID.

“On Dec. 17, Bill Monfort celebrated his 105th birthday. He’s survived COVID-19, kamikaze attacks and the assault on Pearl Harbor over the course of his life,” Tampa Bay Times reported.

“He isn’t sure there’s anything particular he’d like people to know about his life. As one of the last surviving veterans of World War II, he just wants people to remember the conflict,” the newspaper reported.

At 105 years old Monfort learned to drive on a Model T, and he lived through the polio vaccine. Monfort reportedly invited Dick Cheney to a party for Navy Veterans near Washington, DC and the then Vice President attended.

Monfort served with the Navy during WW2 as a radio operator on a destroyer, and on the day of the infamous Pearl Harbor attacks he was one of the first to hear the message, “Air raid Pearl Harbor. This is no drill.” He was just 800 miles off the coast of Honolulu at the time.

Monfort sports a baseball cap that reads “Kamikaze WWII Survivor” in capital letters in remembrance of his incredible service to his country. Monfort says the hat gets him a lot of free meals.

Monfort survived COVID-19 at the age of 103 and he turned 105 on December 17th, 2021. There is no doubt the world could learn a lot from people like Bill Monfort.

Do you think we need more people like Monfort? Do you salute a veteran whenever you get a chance? Let us know below!


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