Ex-Afghanistan officials are starting to disappear under the Taliban

Liberals frequently criticized President Donald Trump for allegedly ruining alliances -- but former Afghan allies are being disappeared as Biden sleeps, vacations.

Afghanistan leaders not aligned with the Taliban continue to “disappear” in yet another failure for President Joe Biden’s foreign policy.

“Family members of a number of former government officials on Thursday said their relatives have disappeared or are being held by the Taliban since the arrival of the Taliban on Sunday,” Tolo News reported.

“Abdul Wali Wahidzai, the former governor of Laghman, and Lotfullah Kamram, the former police chief of the province, surrendered to the Taliban five days ago but they are still in Taliban custody,” the news site reported.

“The Taliban seized control of Kabul, Afghanistan’s national capital and seat of government, on August 15. The takeover marked the culmination of a months-long military campaign that saw the terror group, which previously ruled Afghanistan from 1996-2001, reconquer the country in record time,” Breitbart noted.

Meanwhile, Biden has repeatedly flown to DC and then back to vacation in Delaware and Maryland. He also was reportedly having trouble sleeping and wanted to go back home to Delaware.

His vice president Kamala Harris is jetting off to Singapore and Vietnam as Afghanistan continues to spiral downward.

Should Jim Jordan lead a Congressional investigation into what happened in Afghanistan? Should Biden apologize for his failure to lead? Share your thoughts below!


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