Democrat Arizona Senator arrested on suspicions of child sex crimes

Tony Navarrete is a member of the LGBTQ caucus in the Arizona senate and a committed left-wing liberal.

Liberal Arizona state senator Tony Navarrete recently called for more authoritarian measures, such as mask mandates, due to coronavirus.

But he should be more concerned with avoiding prison himself instead of the personal decision people make whether or not to mask.

That’s because the openly homosexual Navarette has been arrested and charged with sexual misconduct with a minor.

“Police received a report on Wednesday about sexual contact that allegedly occurred in 2019. Navarrete, who represents a west Phoenix district, was arrested Thursday after detectives interviewed a juvenile victim and witnesses, police said in a statement,” the Washington Times reported. 

“Navarrete, 35, was booked into jail on suspicion of charges that included multiple counts of sexual conduct with a minor, the statement said.”

Navarrete helped found the LGBTQ Caucus in the Arizona state senate.

Do you think people who prey on children should get the death penalty? Do you think the LGBTQ Caucus should issue an apology? Share your thoughts below!


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