9/11 families to Biden: Don’t attend our memorial events

As we approach the twentieth anniversary of the radical Islamic terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers, families harmed directly by 9/11 have asked President Biden not to come to memorial events.

The families of September 11, 2001 first responders and people killed by the terrorist attack have asked President Joe Biden not to attend 9/11 memorial events.

NBC News reported:

Nearly 1,800 Americans directly affected by the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks are opposing President Joe Biden’s participation in any memorial events this year unless he upholds his pledge to declassify U.S. government evidence that they believe may show a link between Saudi Arabian leaders and the attacks.

The families want President Biden to uphold his campaign pledge to declassify the intelligence documents which many believe show that Saudi leadership was behind the 9/11 attacks.

“It is our deep hope that President Biden promptly upholds in meaningful ways his campaign promise to us and then stands by our side at the 9/11 Memorial in New York City on 9/11/21, where we can together honor those who died and were injured – armed with the truth that it has taken 20 years too long to receive,” the statement said.

Past presidents, including Trump and Obama, also did not release the intelligence documents. But now twenty years after the Islamic terrorist attack, many more people are saying it’s time to hold the country accountable.

Do you think we deserve all the information about what happened on 9/11? Do you think Biden should release the information? Share your thoughts below!


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