CNBC adds “inclusion” to their annual “Top States for Business” ranking criteria

The rankings harm Republican states, despite their low taxes and minimal regulatory environment.

Even CNBC, usually a moderate network, has gone all in on promoting diversity and wokeness.

Its latest rankings has rewritten “quality of life” measures, such as the crime rate, and now include a state and its businesses’ embrace of a liberal social agenda.

The new methodology creates a bizarre situation where states like Illinois, which has the highest taxes in the country and has stifling workman’s compensation rules, outrank the low tax and right-to-work state of Indiana.

“A new category, Life, Health and Inclusion, replaces Quality of Life and includes new metrics on the battle against Covid-19, health care in general, and the corporate push for inclusiveness,” CNBC explained.

“The new category, Life, Health and Inclusion, still looks at traditional quality of life measures like crime rates, health care and environmental quality. Now, we also look more closely at health-care resources and the states’ progress in ending the pandemic,” CNBC said.

When the rankings are done to prioritize “cost of doing business,” which should be the real key measure for a list called “Top States for Business,” Republican states dominate.

In the top 25 states that have the best “cost of doing business,” New Mexico is the only Democrat-leaning state that makes the top half. 

Kentucky and Kansas make the list too, with Democratic governors, but Republicans run the legislative branch

Do you think “inclusion” really makes a difference in someone’s paycheck? Do you think business owners are really concerned about liberal social policies when they decide where to expand? Let us know below!


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