Watch: Fox News' Chris Wallace Says Biden Speech The Best Inaugural Speech He's Heard

During a broadcast of the inauguration of Joe Biden as President of the United States, Chris Wallace took a moment to talk about Biden’s inauguration speech and said it is one of the best inauguration speeches he’s ever heard.

“I thought it was a great speech,” said Wallace. “I thought this was the best inaugural address I ever heard.”

“There was a mob of thugs, of insurrectionists, of domestic terrorists on the inaugural stand, and Joe Biden was saying that democracy prevailed. We were able to get through that, and he was talking about how we need to get through that in the future if we are going to be a united country,” continued Wallace, referring to the Capitol protest on January 6.

“It was a call to our better angels, a call saying look, we’ve got tremendous challenges, COVID, the economy, racial injustice, climate change but there's nothing we can’t do if we come together,” said Wallace.

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