Charges Dropped Against Hundreds of New York City Pro-BLM Rioters

Prosecutors in New York have told alleged looters not to worry about facing punishment for looting stores.

New York will reportedly continue to embolden violent thugs and looters by refusing to press charges for a series of alleged criminal actions from last summer.

“In late May and early June 2020, looters smashed storefronts in the Bronx and Manhattan boroughs of New York City,” NBC News reported. “ Many were caught on tape, some with their faces visible. Others even posted their own videos of their actions those nights on social media. Hundreds were arrested.”

But in far-left New York City, you can commit a number of crimes and walk free, thanks to what appears to be the leftist political agenda of many prosecutors.

Of the 118 arrests reviewed by the news station, “the NYPD says the Bronx district attorney and the courts have dismissed most of those cases — 73 in all. Eighteen cases remain open and there have been 19 convictions for mostly lesser counts like trespassing, counts which carry no jail time.”

“The NYPD data shows there were 485 arrests in Manhattan. Of those cases, 222 were later dropped and 73 resulted in convictions for lesser counts like trespassing, which carries no jail time. Another 40 cases involved juveniles and were sent to family court; 128 cases remain open,” NBC reported.

Mayor Bill de Blasio has overseen a complete destruction of the city, frequently blasting the cops but allowing criminals to take over and command what goes on in the city. It’s one reason thousands are fleeing the cities, coupled with the city’s anti-business, crippling COVID lockdowns.

Do you feel safe visiting New York City? Do you think the prosecutors would care more if their own businesses were being looted by criminal thugs? Let us know below!


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