California mandates gender-neutral toy aisles for larger stores

California officials have gone all in on the LGBT agenda, which seeks to indoctrinate young kids.

The liberal state wants to push a left-wing social agenda.

California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law Saturday a mandate for large retailers to keep a gender-neutral aisle for children’s toys,” Fox Business reported.

“The state law requires stores with 500 or more employees to maintain a gender-neutral section or area with children’s items and toys, excluding clothes, regardless of whether those items have been traditionally marketed for either boys or girls,” Fox Business said.

“The law, introduced by Democratic Assemblyman Evan Low, does not ban items that are traditionally marketed specifically toward boys or girls. It goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2024, after which violators will face a civil penalty of as much as $250 for the first violation and $500 for subsequent violations,” Fox Business reported.

“My hope is this bill encourages more businesses across California and the U.S. to avoid reinforcing harmful and outdated stereotypes,” Low told the Associated Press.

Do you think the LGBT agenda is harmful to kids? Do you think Governor Gavin Newsom is too radical? Let us know below!


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