Big corporations, far-left activists push Biden to eliminate refugee cap set by Trump

While illegal immigrants surge our Southern border and kids are being put in cages, Biden is being pushed to let in tens of thousands of refugees.

Our country is grappling with an immigration crisis fueled by VP Harris and President Biden’s decision to let immigrants overrun our border

They’re now being pushed, successfully it seems, to let in tens of thousands more refugees into our country.

The Administration originally was set to let in the lowest amount in history, but was pushed back on by wealthy corporations and far-left activists. Biden had previously campaigned on letting in 125,000 refugees to resettle into this country. Those refugees would have competed with American citizens for jobs.

“Pro-migration Democrats and business allies got President Joe Biden to quickly overrule a Friday announcement by his top staff that would have capped the 2021 inflow of refugees at 15,000,” Breitbart reported.

“The scale of the reversal may not be known until May 15, when the final 2021 number is scheduled for release,” Neil Munro reported. “But pro-migration groups are hoping that Biden will announce a 2021 goal of importing several tens-of-thousands of refugees before October, up from the 15,000 scheduled by former President Donald Trump.”

“Biden’s afternoon reversal came after a furious backlash by pro-migration advocates, including senior Democrats, far-left advocates, and business groups,” Munro said.

“The politicians’ protests were backed up by pro-migration advocates, including the group of investors funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg,” Breitbart reported.

Biden is rushing to let in thousands and thousands of refugees and immigrants. Meanwhile, his Cabinet is pushing for high taxes, a shutdown on oil and gas drilling and other job killing regulations.

While hard-working Americans struggle to come back from coronavirus shutdowns, his team is putting Americans last and putting foreigners first

Should Biden help homeless veterans before he helps refugees? Should refugees come to the United States instead of going to other countries closer to where they live? Let us know your thoughts below!


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