Biden’s Immigration Czar VP Kamala Harris Visits Canadian Border State Before Southern Border State

VP Harris is supposed to fix the immigration crisis -- instead, she’s gone everywhere but the border.

President Biden and VP Harris wanted a flood of illegal immigrants to come here. They’ve removed a number of common-sense Trump policies that kept America safe and strengthened our immigration system.

Now, Harris refuses to visit the southern border to see the damage caused by the White House’s far-left immigration agenda.

Harris has had time to fly to Chicago to talk about “vaccine equity,” even though the rollout of the COVID vaccines appear to be going fine. She recently visited New Hampshire to promote trillions of dollars in potential infrastructure spending.

Meanwhile, the immigration system continues to collapse.

“Biden also has transformed America’s southern frontier into a gigantic crime scene,” conservative commentator Deroy Murdock concluded recently.

“The border criminals include every illegal alien who invades America without permission,” Murdock said.

“They undermine U.S. sovereignty, fleece beleaguered American taxpayers, and mock millions of immigrants who arrive legally.”

Should Kamala Harris visit the border? Do you trust the White House to keep us safe? Share your thoughts below!


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