Biden Administration Attempting to Force Early Resignations from Trump Era Appointees

President Biden seeks to break from tradition, and the law, by removing President Trump’s appointments to the boards of military academies.

As Afghanistan collapses and inflation surges, President Biden has turned his focus to purging highly-qualified appointees to the U.S. military academies simply because they were appointed by President Trump.

Appointees include long-time Navy veteran and former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. It also includes a number of generals with war experience. reported:

Mobbs is one of six presidential appointees to the Army's service academy. Other major names that were appointed by Trump include former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and retired Col. Douglas Macgregor, a former Pentagon adviser. Macgregor also was nominated to be ambassador to Germany, but the nomination was withdrawn after languishing for months before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after CNN reported on his controversial remarks as a Fox News commentator.

Meanwhile, Biden’s security team has failed to ensure a safe evacuation from Afghanistan. It is also pushing to flood our country with nearly 100,000 Afghan refugees.

Do you think Biden is being vindictive? Do you think the appointees should file a lawsuit to stop the president? Let us know below!


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