Biden Admin Reportedly Plans to Send Nearly $1 Billion in Taxpayer Funds to Military Leaders in Myanmar

The Biden Administration, including Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, is set to allow leaders of a military coup to receive taxpayer funds under an International Monetary Fund program.

Nearly two months ago, military leaders illegally deposed the leader of Myanmar in a coup. Now, the Biden Administration is set to funnel nearly $1 billion to these same leaders under an International Monetary Fund program.

“The Biden Administration has imposed sanctions, but then why is the U.S. Treasury moving to hand the Burmese generals a fresh $785 million in foreign aid?” the Wall Street Journal recently asked.

Special drawing rights are basically international loans borrowed from members of the IMF. You can read more here at

The administration is trying to skirt reporting laws to funnel the money, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“To help the Administration skirt the law, the IMF plans to break the new allocation into two batches,” the paper said.”The first, scheduled for this year, will be a $650 billion SDR allocation.”

This allows the administration to avoid Congressional approval of the allocation of the nearly $1 trillion the IMF will dole out to a number of countries, including our adversaries.

Another adversary, Iran, can get money indirectly through the IMF from the U.S., despite sanctions against the Islamic terrorist-supporting country. “If the Biden Administration lifts sanctions on Tehran and it asks for dollars, the U.S. would wind up financing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps,” the WSJ said.

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