AOC SLAMS Biden Admin on Twitter for Opening Texas Migrant Holding Facility

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) slammed the Biden administration on Twitter Tuesday for the opening of a Texas facility to hold migrant children.

The Biden Administration opened their first migrant holding facility in Texas causing reactions from ‘progressives’ on social media.

Previously, the mainstream news reported these detention facilities, first opened under the Obama administration, as cages and decried them. The ‘cages’ would become a central issue throughout the 2020 election with Biden criticizing former President Trump’s use of the facilities.

This new facility opened up in Carrizo Springs, Texas and is capable of holding 700 children from ages 13 to 17.

On Tuesday, Bronx Democrat Alexandria Ocasio Cortez ripped into the Biden administration tweeting “This is not okay, never has been okay, never will be okay — no matter the administration or party”.

Due to the influx of illegal immigrants into the country, these facilities were necessary according to reporting from the Washington Post.

HHS said its goal is that children will remain at the facility for about 30 days for quarantine.

The spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, Mark Weber stated they would rather have nicer more permanent structures built, but right now this is the best the government can do.

“If we could find another way, that’d be great,” Weber stated. “On the flip side, these kids just come in and they’re turned loose on the street, they end up being homeless kids.”

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Michael Pircio

Michael Pircio is a contributor to the Patriots Gazette, he covers news relating to faith, politics, and culture. Prior to joining Patriots Gazette, he served as a Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force.


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