AOC says Democrats lost in Virginia because they were too moderate

The far-left Congresswoman thinks that the Democratic Party was too moderate in Virginia.

Far-left Congresswoman AOC has diagnosed the problem in Virginia, where her party took a beating: the candidates were too moderate.

“I know that Virginia was a huge bummer. And honestly, if anything, I think the results show the limits of trying to run a fully 100 percent super moderated campaign that does not excite, speak to or energize a progressive base,” AOC said in an Instagram video, according to Newsweek.

Yet, Terry McAuliffe brought in leftist politicians to campaign with him, including VP Kamala Harris. Both Harris and Biden support radical positions, including abortion through all nine months of pregnancy and open borders.

He also brought in Randi Weingarten, a leftist teachers union leader who was instrumental in keeping many public schools shut-down to in-person learning for almost two years.

Do you think AOC is right? Do you think AOC’s vision for America is harmful? Let us know below!


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