Airbnb announces plans to house 20,000 Afghan refugees for free

Airbnb announced Tuesday that it plans to temporarily house 20,000 Afghan refugees around the world free of charge.

The refugees will be housed in properties that are already listed on Airbnb’s platform and volunteered by hosts, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky said on Twitter.

“If you’re willing to host a refugee family, reach out and I’ll connect you with the right people here to make it happen!” the AirBNB founder tweeted.

The cost of the stays will be funded by the company and contributions made by Chesky, who reportedly has a net worth of about $12.3 billion, as well as other donations made to the Refugee Fund.

“While we will be paying for these stays, we could not do this without the generosity of our Hosts.”

It should be noted that AirBNB does not provide free room and board to US veterans who fought overseas in Afghanistan.

Do you think Airbnb should be hosting refugees for free? Should Americans support bringing refugees from Afghanistan to the United States? Comment your thoughts below!


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